Sunday 15 July 2012

Why Practise Judo?

One may not realize it but Judo emphasizes safety and full physical activity for top conditioning. Judo is learned on special mats to enable safety and comfort. After all, safety is priority. Besides safety, Judo also develops self-discipline and respect for oneself and others. It also provides the means for attaining self-confidence, concentration and leadership, as well as physical coordination, power, and flexibility.
As a sport that has evolved from a fighting at, it develops complete body control, fine balance, and fast reflexive action. Above all, it fosters a sharp reacting mind well-coordinated with the same kind of body. Judo training provides a person an effective self-defensive reaction when necessary.
Judo is unique in all age groups, both gender and most disabled people are too able to participate together in learning and practicing the sport. One major advantage of Judo is that it is an inexpensive, year-round activity, that appeals to people from all walks of life. People from very young children to those sixty years of age can too enjoy this amazing form of martial art. Judo is also often a part of the training carried out by athletes preparing for Mixed Martial Arts(MMA) matches.
With this said, does Judo seem a little more intriguing now? This is only the beginning of your knowledge of Judo though. There is definitely more to learn about!  
Adapted from:
Compiled and edited by: Wan Qi

Mix Martial Arts : Fighting Techniques

As the title explains it, this post is about the main few techniques that MMA fighters use.
First of all, we would talk about the close range fights, where fighters would use the elbows and knees as their main weapon. And sometimes even the head itself. Mid - range fights would be mainly using kicks. While lastly, far range would consist of the punches. And ground fighting which mainly consist of submission moves.

Close combat techniques such as the clinch, enable fighters to get real close to their opponent while locking them, and allowing them self to do close range damage using the knees and elbows. Thus, the clinch is a very efficient method when in very close range as it can wear the opponent out easily. Below is a video on how to do a clinch :
Next, ground techniques. Basically, when on the ground, fighters tend to use submission moves which are from BJJ. Such moves such as the triangle choke, ankle lock and knee lock. Below is a video on how to do a triangle choke:
So, that's all for today, there are much more other techniques that exist in MMA. But, I hope you enjoyed the basic few that I had covered today! Signing off, Lucas.

Muay Thai "8points of contact"

Hey Guys! It's Marcus Lee again. In the last post i have shared about the different weight classes in Muay Thai and i said in the previous post that I am going to share more about the "8 points of contact" and so for the next few post, I will be sharing about the "8 points of contact". Muay Thai adapts a fighting stance of putting your feet should width apart and putting your arms up before executing any technique.

In this post I am going to share about the first 2 points of contact which are the Fists, punching or rather in Thai Chok.

Formal Muay Thai techniques are divided into two groups: mae mai or major techniques and luk mai or minor techniques. Muay thai is often a fighting art of attrition, where opponents exchange blows with one another. Almost all techniques in Muay Thai uses the entire body movement, rotating the hip with each kick, punch, elbow and block.

The different techniques in Muay Thai are as follows and i will be telling you the Thai romanization.

Jab(Mat neung)
Cross(Mat trong)
Hook(Mat wiang san)
Swing(Mat wiang yao)
Spinning Backfist(Mat wiang klup)
Uppercut(Mat soei/Mat soi dao)
Adapted from

Thank you for reading this post. I hope you have gained some information about the "8 points of contact". I will be sharing about the next 2 points of contact in the next post. Thank you and see you again.