Saturday 14 July 2012

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu

Hey guys! It's Kevin from IT04 here. Today i'm going to share about BJJ in my following posts.
Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is a martial art that is similar to judo but it is focused on ground fighting unlike
judo who focused more on throws. This art was brought to brazil by Mitsuyo Maeda and he orginally practiced  classical style of Jiu-Jitsu and eventually entering Kodokan to study Judo. 

Concept of BJJ

The concept of BJJ is actally for a weaker person to be able to defend and fight against a much stronger
opponent in terms of size. The art is focused on proper technique such as joint locks and chokeholds 
instead of power. Nowadays, BJJ is commonly used in many sports grappling tournamations and mixed
martial arts competition(See Lucas's post on MMA for more information :) ).

Ranking System

Like many other martial arts, BJJ also have a ranking system according to belts to award the practitioner
for its technical knowledge and practical skill. The system structure share its origin with the judo ranking
System and origin of all coloured belts. However, the BJJ ranking system also contains many of its own 
unique aspects. One of the unique thing about the BJJ ranking system is that the amount of time and hard
work is extremely large to get a blackbelt unlike other martial arts such as Taekwondo and Karate. The average time frame in order to get a blackbelt is 8-10 years with consistent training of 3-4 times per week.

Below is a chart of the ranking system in BJJ


  1. Thanks for the information!

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